Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10 Ways in Which Your Baby Is and Is NOT Like a Puppy or Kitten

For many women, there comes a time in life when the thought of having a baby consumes us.  Any mention of babies, baby clothes, baby gear, or any thing small and cute for that matter, like a small handbag, will set us off in an emotional wave of baby yearning.  I recall several weeks before both my pregnancies when ever a certain flea medicine commercial with puppies and kittens would come on the TV, I would openly weep.  I now refer to this as my "Puppies and Kittens Phase of Pre-pregnancy".  Now, it is all well and good to be so desirous of a baby that your emotions are broadcast for all to enjoy, but let me set you straight about a few things.  Having a baby is nothing like getting a puppy or kitten. Or is it?
Aww....it's like the puppy really cares...
       "Adopt us, we will fill your biological need to mother!"
 Settle down, mothering hormones!  It just kills me when the kittens are in something like a flower pot or a tea cup. 

1.  Puppies and kittens like you to try to get their toys aways from them.  Babies do not.  They just cry.
2.  Puppies and kittens know how to pee and poop in one spot.  Babies do not. Though when they get to be a toddler they can pee and poop in one designated spot, but it's not usually the toilet.
3.  P's and k's like the same dry crunchy food every meal.  Babies DO like the same meal. Toddlers would like whatever you are not offering. 
          Me: "Would you like some [blank]?"
          Toddler: "Or.....something else?"
4.  You can dress up your babies in cute matching clothes.  You should NOT dress up p's and k's.


Got that? See the distinction?

5.  You can get fancy collars to put on your p's and k's.  Not recommended for babies.  Though, leashes DO exist.
6.  You can toss a baby into the air and catch them again.  Strangely enough this is not advisable for pets.  Maybe we've got something wrong here...
7.  You can take your puppies to special puppy parks and hang out with other puppy people.  Yeah, we've got those for babies.  Only they're called playgrounds.
8.  You can play Peek-a-boo with babies and they think you're totally hilarious and awesome.  Pets just stare.
9. Both p's and k's and babies respond to over the top baby babbling.  Babies like the change in voice dynamics.  It probably just hurts the animals' ears.
10.  Vomit.  Need I say more?  Guess which one doesn't eat it up afterwards.

So now that I've laid out the facts for you, which are you going to get?