Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Friday Night

I'm a young mother of two, and never have I felt more like a teenage boy in all my life.

In highschool, dances were what teenage girls lived for.  We claimed we had the worse deal, waiting and waiting for some boy to pick us out of the flock and ask us to the dance. The wait was excruciating and humiliating.  The boys claimed they had it worse.  The girls scoffed and thoroughly doubted anyone could be as miserable as we were.  Now, I'm not so sure.  You see, I think I might just know how those poor boys felt. No, I'm not asking teenage girls to dances, but I am asking babysit.

This past year we moved from a town where I had my kids' grandparents just down the street.  All I had to do was mention the possibility of wanting to go out and I had a confirmed and willing babysitter in minutes.  Now, I've got to play the field.  I, like those poor, miserable teenage boys, have to choose one from the flock.

But how to choose? I can't ask someone I know someone else is already asking. That would go against The Code. I couldn't be friends with them anymore if I asked her before *they* got the chance.  But who else is there?  So many girls have already been asked!  I shouldn't have waited so long! Maybe I just won't go.  Next time I'm going to ask, like, 2 months ahead.

Ok, I'll try her.  No, that's stupid.  She's not going to want to babysit *my* kids.  She'd probably rather sit for someone else.  But my kids are awesome!  Any girl would be thrilled to babysit them.  I'll do it. I'll ask her.

My sweaty palms grasp the phone.  I start dialing. No wait, what was her number again?  I check a few more times. Ok got it. It's ringing!  Oh no, what if my phone drops the call? Stupid cell phone, I should just get a landline.  It's still ringing. I got this. Stay calm, stay cool.  What do I say? "Hello?" Oh shoot, it's one of her parents. Act like an adult. " insert teenage girl's name there?" Stupid, you forgot to say 'hello'!  "Hello? This is teenage girl." Act natural! ", just wondering if you might be free Friday night..." "Sorry..."

No!!! She's already taken! Forget it. I'm not going out.  I don't want to go through the rejection again. No way.

But all my friends are going...I don't want to be the lame one at home on a Friday night.  I guess I'll call someone else.  *Repeat Above Conversation* What?? *She's* already taken too??! This can't be happening! Maybe no one actually asked them yet, they just didn't want to babysit *my* kids. Forget it. It's only a decade until they can babysit themselves.  I can wait that long to leave my house.

No, no. This is insane.  Maybe I'll ask this girl. I've never thought of her babysitting my kids before, but it might work out. *Repeat Above Conversation* "Wait, what?! You're FREE?! Wow, um, ok, great! Pick you up at 7?"

Hang up phone. Wow! What a relief! Would it be too forward to make her cookies and tea when she comes over? Yeah. That's too much.  Maybe I'll teach my kids to sing a song in her honor. No, no, don't want to scare her away. I've got a babysitter!!

Next day, talking with friends:
Friend #1: "Hey, are you going to the thing Friday night?"
Me: "Oh, me? Yeah...I've got teenage girl babysitting. No big deal."
Friend #1: "You got *her*? She's awesome! Like, seriously, the best."
Friend #2: " still haven't asked anyone yet..."
Friend #1 and I share a knowing look.

Girls, the boys have it worse.  Oh, and is anyone free Friday? There's this thing I was wanting to go to...