For those of you who follow my Facebook stati, you will have read several posts that I titled "parenting lesson of the day" followed by a quip about things concerning parenting I have learned the hard way, usually with humorous results. To give you an example here is one my sister-in-law told me that I particularly enjoyed:
Never, for even a minute, leave an undiapered baby alone on your carpet, especially when said baby ate 2 pieces of pizza for lunch!
True words of wisdom from a seasoned mother.
Veteran parents, you know what she means...future parents and unsuspecting readers--beware. Parenting is a humorous, messy business. Anyway, here's today's Parenting Lesson of the Day:
Someone really needs to invent cloth chip bags.
There's nothing worse than having your own guilty junk food pleasure wake up a blissfully sleeping baby. "Crinkle, Crinkle, Crunch, Crunch... Wah-Wah". *Sigh* However there is a simple solution. What?! Stop eating junk food?! Pff! Yeah right, you must not be a parent yet... No the simple answer is to revolutionize the junk food business by creating "Nap Friendly" packaging. Cloth chip bags and chocolate bags are the future--they're probably even recyclable! And please, no more of this "individually wrapped" business. Listen "Snack Food CEO's", if we parents finally get the chance to sit down and enjoy our junk food, we can't be bothered with these nonsensical wrappers! They seriously impede scarfing. Anyway, I'm thinking about the environment here.
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