Friday, November 5, 2010

Catching Up

Hello? Hello? Is anyone still out there?

Sorry folks, I got blogged down-har har-reading other peoples blogs rather than writing my own.  I'm following several that are so good it depresses me.  One of my favorites is The Pioneer Woman.  It's a hilarious blog about family, homeschooling, cooking, and more.  But good heavens.  The woman updates the five threads of her massive blog every seven minutes!  Sometimes the posts are just one picture, or a sentence saying something like, "Yep I'm up at 4 am here on the ranch, just thought everyone in blog-land needed to know!" My Google Reader is sparking and smoking at the sheer volume of posts.  So I thought I would do a service to you folks and only write when, well, there's something worth-while to write about. Another blog I follow is a Daddy blog which is basically what I write, but the guy has turned it into his full-time job so every other day is a post with hundreds of pictures that he downloaded from emails from dedicated fans.  I can't compete!  But I honestly feel that these constant, brief, content-less posts actually weaken their blogs.  That being said, I can't guarantee that this post will be terribly worth-while.  I'll let you know when I finish it.

So despite my lack of posting, things have been busy since last I wrote.  Wow, remember that last post about our relaxing vacation? I could go for another one of those.  Since then, Ginny turned one, officially leaving babyhood.  This was depressing, so we thought surely another baby was a good idea.  I also figured it would be good for my blog.  You know, ramp up the insanity.  So yes, I've been trying to figure out these past few months how to parent when you feel like barfing.  Or what to do when your toddler comes and leans over the toilet next to you when you are actually barfing.  TMI, I know.  But these things you need to think about! Who knew.

We also moved to a new apartment last month.  A month later and we still are using boxes as end tables and haven't seen the floor in most of the apartment.  This is what happens when you move with a toddler when you have morning sickness--nothing.  However, Ginny is happy as can be, scuttling about the apartment, hiding where ever is coziest (mainly the kitchen cabinet). I actually found her reading books while perched in the cabinet a few weeks ago.  She also likes to start our new washing machine, choosing the hottest wash cycle.  I'm pretty sure she thinks we moved to this apartment just for her own amusement.

Ginny has finally started adding "words" to her vocabulary.  "Ditty!" for kitty and "Oof oof!" or "Dah-ie!" for doggie.  But other than that, your guess is as good as mine as to what the heck she is saying.  She sure thinks it's eloquent though.

I'm pretty sure Ginny is a monkey.  I know before I thought she was a squirrel, but I have more evidence.  One early morning Ginny woke us up with a worried crying sound.  My husband jumped out of bed and grabbed her as she was hanging on the bar of her crib about to go over.  That was an exhilarating way to wake up.  She sobbed for a few minutes out of fear, and I wondered if we could possible lower her crib any more or if we'd need to invest in a cage for her to climb around in. Further evidence:  In the morning, Ginny grabs her favorite stuffed monkey and runs around the house saying "Oo oo ah! Oo oo ah!".  Yep. Monkey child.

Okay well I guess that's the main gist of what's been happening here in crazy parenting land.  Not a terribly fulfilling post, I know, but I just wanted you all to know that I do still exist and there will be plenty more "What not to do" posts in the future.  Afterall, having two children under two is a blogging blessing.

1 comment:

  1. My sister-in-law is pregnant with her third child. The new baby is due two weeks before her oldest's third birthday. For 2 weeks she'll have three kids that are 2 years old and under. She's not looking forward to it, I'm ecstatic as an Auntie =). Just thought you would find that interesting lol

