Friday, October 16, 2009

The Beginning of Mommy-Moo

I've been called Moo by my family since long before I could remember. It propelled me into a life of loving everything cow related to the point of obsession and numerous nickname variations around the theme of "Moo". But I never stopped to consider why on earth my parents would title their adorable baby girl "Moo". When you think about it, calling a girl a cow is never very flattering... I just assumed that it was one of my dad's bizarre nicknames. After all, he called one of my brothers "Isaacarus Maximus" and my sister "Jenn-o-bot-o-bye". It never occurred to me that my nickname might have more meaning behind it. Then I found out the truth.

When we get older, it's refreshing to look through old photos and remember simpler times in our lives. I was doing just that, looking through baby photos of myself and pining for that time where I was satisfied with less, and worried about less. And as I was filtering through photos, I found a particularly cute picture of me lying on the floor, drool coming out of my mouth, and I paused there looking at my face. My nose. My nostrils were flared out beyond belief--I had a cow nose! No wonder they all called me Moo, I looked like a baby cow! Oh well, the picture was still cute. My life wasn't ruined. Actually, I thought it was funny.

I had my first baby 8 weeks ago today! In these 8 weeks, I've already learned alot. The most important thing is how valuable humor is....I deal with heavy things in my life by seeing the humor in them. Parenthood is an overwhelmingly huge job. But it's also hilarious. Some things are naturally humorous: Fact: babies fart at inoportune times (i.e. quiet churches). Other things you need to see the humor in to maintain sanity: finding yourself at 4 am covered in milk and having to change your pajamas--either from projectile vomit after a long nursing, or because those cheap nursing pads are so pathetic, you might as well stuff a diaper in the bra of your tank top and go back to sleep (done it).

The goal of this blog is to be a place where parents can share the humor of parenthood, and people looking to parenthood can have a fun, real idea of what it's like. Babies are a huge responsibility, but they are side-splittingly funny as well. My daughter kicks, snorts and flares her little cow nose just like I did and rather than fret that she doesn't smile demurely like a Gerber baby, I laugh and call her "Baby Moo".


  1. The thought "She looks like a cow" has often crossed my mind while looking at you--NOT! I'm looking forward to your humorous takes on parenting. :-)

  2. Lets not forget "Snoot". Perhaps you were too little when that nickname was phased out. Many a beating I took from our oldest brother attempting to perpetuate that name. :D

  3. Ah yes! Snoot! I think that name had a logical history as well. Ginny was quite the snoot when she was born too. Okay "snoot" would be the nice way of putting it--they were actually really loud snorts. (:
