Friday, October 23, 2009

The Black-Out

Parenting Lesson of the Day:

Never put your child down in a clean pile of laundry.

I'm really not quite sure why I did this, but I did, with tragic results. I'm still finding clothing, a day later, with Ginny's calling card on it. I was putting socks on her little feet and I thought: "Hey! Propping her up in this nice clean pile of laundry on my bed sounds like a fantastic idea!" No. It wasn't.

Where was my sanity? My common sense? Babies spew. All the time. And this wasn't just a dribble, this was full-fledged projectile vomit. It's like babies can sense the worst possible time to spew, and let it out with out any hesitation or remorse.

It made it wonder, have any of you parents out there done something silly like this and all the while something in the back of your head was shouting: "Don't do it you fool! Don't! Don't! Oh. You did..." Please tell me there are more silly parents like myself out there that seem to have these black-outs in common sense. Please feel free to share your humiliating stories so we can all feel better about ourselves.

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