Thursday, June 24, 2010

Warp Speed

Parenting Lesson of the Day: Prepare for Warp Speed.

Ginny turned ten months old this week. She eats pretty much everything that's in front of her, she babbles in a cute squeaky/screechy voice with the occasional "Mamama" and "Daddy-dy"and she's days away from taking her first steps.  I'm pretty sure this can't be happening.

Last I checked I had baby, not a pre-toddler.  Things will surely slow down now. (I hear a roar of veteran parents snickering... This can't be good.)  Anyway, I thought it would be fun to share a heap of cute pictures of Ginny so you can all share the Warp Speed journey that I have been on.  Let us begin at the beginning. A very good place to start! (Great now I'm going to have Julie Andrews and the von Trapp kids running through my head all day...)Anyway!

Ginny. Day 1:
That's a little cold. Here's something cozier:
Ah yes. How well I remember the eye gunk...

"Hello baby! I'm your Mama! I'm the one whose ribs you've been kicking for the last five months!"

Ginny. 1 month:
Ginny's Native American chieftain look.

 Gas or Ginny's first genuine smile? We're not sure, but it sure is cute!

Ginny. 2 months(ish):
I know, I know. Horrible red-eye. But you try saying "no" to this cuteness!

Ginny. 3 months:
Sometimes we wish the girl would just cheer up!

Ginny. 4 months:
Jealous yet?

She is the world's biggest ham. (A Christmas ham!)

Ginny. 5 months:

Ginny. 6 months: (Is your head hurting from all this Warp Speed traveling yet? Join the club.)
 She's such a calm, serene baby...

Ginny. 7 months:
First solo sitting-up.

Ginny. 7.5 months:
Cheer up, girl!

Ginny. 8 months:

Ginny. 9 months:

Ginny. 10 months: (Faint)

Sigh. What happened to this baby?
 Oh well. Can't complain too much!

Well, there's the first leg of our warp speed trip.  I hope your head stops spinning so you can get on with the rest of your day.  I think I might need to lie down and take a nap...


  1. Great tracks...Hansel & Gretel couldn't have left a better trail! My GrandyMoo -Dad

  2. I have always said that time flies when it's happening to someone else, and apparently it's true (except that you also noticed! ;-) She's adorable!
